Professional Indemnity Insurance for Architects

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Architects bring incredible visions to life, but even the most meticulous plans can encounter unforseen challenges. Mistakes, although rare, can result in costly delays, repairs, or even lawsuits.

With the right insurance in place, architects can help to mitigate the financial risks associated with their profession and daily work and focus on what they do best.

What is Architects Professional Indemnity Insurance?

Architects Professional Indemnity Insurance is a policy designed to protect these professionals across various project disciplines. The policy is a combined Professional Indemnity and Public & Products Liability policy which was created to address potential gaps in coverage that may arise if policies are placed separately. It offers coverage for financial loss, injury and/or damage to a third party due to the failure of products, services and advice.

Professional Indemnity Insurance is designed to protect architects from claims arising from their professional activities such as the the advice they give and the reports/plans they prepare and submit.

Some policies solely cover financial losses incurred by claimants, potentially leaving architects vulnerable in cases of bodily injury or property damage resulting from design failures. At Coverforce, we ensure that our PI policies comprehensively cover bodily injury or property damage as a result of your professional duty.

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How Coverforce can help

Our team of experienced insurance brokers will work hard to deliver expert risk advice, unrivalled service and the placement of a tailored PI insurance policy to protect you and your achitectural business.

For more information or to arrange cover for your business, please contact us.

Alternatively, you can simply fill out a Architects PI Insurance Quote form below and one of our insurance brokers will get in touch with you within one business day.

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Our Global Insurance Network
Our brokers can access more than 100 insurers across the globe to find your business quality cover at the right price.

Insurer logo AIG
Insurer logo Allianz
Insurer logo Blue Zebra
Insurer logo CGU
Insurer logo CHU
Insurer logo Chubb
Insurer logo Dual
Insurer logo GIO
Insurer logo GT
Insurer logo Hollard
Insurer logo Liberty
Insurer logo Lloyds
Insurer logo Longitude
Insurer logo Mecon
Insurer logo Miller
Insurer logo NTI
Insurer logo QBE
Insurer logo Quanta
Insurer logo SUU
Insurer logo UAA
Insurer logo Vero
Insurer logo Zurich

Coverforce 3LP Pty Ltd

Phone: 07 3613 7900

Postal Address:
1/93 Commercial Road, Newstead QLD 4006

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